Best Relationship Coach In Singapore ?
The truth is, I’ve never seen myself as a Relationship Coach before. In fact, it was my peers and friends who told me that I’m all about relationship and decided to nominate me for this category.
Being voted as the Best Relationship Coach 2021 makes me reflect on my coaching experience.
I realised that I never see myself as a relationship coach because I associate a relationship coach as someone who helps couples deal with romantic relationship problems.
But as I was reflecting at the cases that I’ve dealt with, I saw a pattern and similarities that showed up. Many of my clients who have a bad relationship with themselves tend to have a bad relationship with their spouse or even their bosses and peers at work.
They struggle with the lack of self-worth, lack of confidence, feeling of hopelessness, not good enough syndrome, imposter syndrome, holding onto beliefs that limits their growth, happiness and success.
To resolve these problems, we work on building their inner strength and releasing their self-imposed limitations so that they were able to transform to be their authentic best self.
As a transformation coach, I believe that when we transform ourselves, we transform our results. The results that we are getting today, is based on the way we think, feel and behave.
Hence, when we transform the way we think, feel and behave, it changes our results. It changes the way we show up in front of our spouse, our kids, our friends, our bosses or co-workers.
It changes the way we relate with people and handle obstacles that get in our way.
I remember one of my client who came to me because she wanted to pursue a coaching career. As we were working together, she brought up her relationship problems with her husband and daughter.
With her husband, she felt that there is a lack of trust between them. Due to their past experiences dealing with conflicts and arguments, she felt insecure sharing openly about her feelings because she was afraid of how her husband would react. Hence she would withdraw emotionally.
With her daughter, it was a different challenge. She had been acting like a ‘Tiger Mom’ (very high standard and strict) and criticised her daughter’s results so much so that their relationship became strained.
So as we helped her dive within and gain new understanding and insights of herself – we get into the root causes of why she behave the way she did. We peeled layers and layers of emotional baggages and beliefs that get in her way.
And as she grow throughout her personal development journey, she was able to become her authentic best self. She showed up differently, she began to open up more and treated her spouse and daughter with more empathy, trust and appreciations.
And when her husband saw her changes, he began to show up differently too. He started helping out more with house work, engaging their kids, communicate more openly and as a result, it rekindled their love and trust.
And what’s best was when her daughter told her about her changes, “Mommy, I love you more now.”
Often when we have relationship problems, we think of changing others – change our spouse, change our boss, change our co-workers etc. But we forget that there is one common denominator, that no-matter where we go and what we do, we are still the one that contribute to our outcome.
I still remember when my ex-husband told me that he wants to get out of our marriage, I made a decision to change.
I told myself that I’m going to transform myself and be my authentic best self. And there will be two possibilities.
A.) He will see the better version of me and chose to love me.
B.) I become the better version of me and he still choose to leave me.
Either way, I will win. Because I know, when I transformed and become my authentic best self, my life will get better, I will be happier and I will attract happier relationship with people who would value me more and treat me better.
And I was right. It’s been over 3 years since my divorce and as I looked into my past, despite all the fears and uncertainties that I faced back then, it was worth overcoming.
I am thankful to myself for taking the leap of faith to transform myself and my life. And today, I have great relationships.
I’m surrounded by people who love me and value me, I am living with passion getting paid doing what I love, and I found someone who cherish me and treat me like a queen.
My relationship at work and personal life is thriving.
So if you are going struggling in your relationship or feeling stuck in your personal and professional life, do not lose hope. All it takes is your decision to change.
You may not know how to change, but as long as you are willing to do whatever it takes, you will find a way. The right resources, the right people will show up to help you and guide you.
And if you are looking for a helping hand, I’m right here for you.
Just schedule a call and we’ll talk.
And if you are looking for a life direction, I’d like to invite you to my Life Visioning Workshop so that you will never get lost again.
And on a special note, I would like to thank everyone in my personal and professional network who has voted for me and enabled me to be awarded with the Best Relationship Coach 2021 – Gold Award.
Without your support, I wouldn’t have received this award.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
GrowWithRainy | Best Relationship Coach Singapore | Best Relationship Coach 2021