Hello Amazing Soul! I’d like to invite you to my 


Life vision board acts like a life compass that will take you closer to achieving great success and balance in the key areas of your life. 

It helps you to design a clear vision of how you want your life to look and feel like so that you can align and attract the right people, circumstances, experiences that will take you there. 

Previous participants didn’t come feeling all that great, here is what they said:

“I feel lost”

“I don’t know what I’m meant to be doing with my life”

“What’s my purpose?” 

“I’m struggling to stay on a path”

“This isn’t the life I chose for me. Someone else told me to be like this”

Have you ever heard yourself saying things like this sometimes? 

You may even know somebody who have said something similar to you. 

Doesn’t feel really good, does it? 

Life is about living meaningfully doing what we love, don’t you agree? Because everyone is special in our own way, it’s important to walk our own path and share these special gifts that we were given with our community or even the world. 

Does this resonate with you? Then 


A Personalised System to get you in touch with the path you’re meant to be on. 

Life Visioning Workshop helps you create a vision for the key areas of your life and set goals to achieve them.

This customiseable blueprint of your ideal life is based on your own definition of success and what a fulfilling life look like to YOU.

Live Workshop 

22 February 2025, 9am – 5pm


Understanding yourself in a whole new way. 

Professionally guided. 

Fun sharing in a small, intimate class size (maximum 15 participants per session)



Break free from work, relationships, and lifestyle choices that don’t bring you joy. 

Develop the clarity and courage to take the leap and follow your passions, spend time on what you love and even reinvent yourself. 

And share it with your community or even the world in the most authentic expression of your best self. 

Break free from the rules and expectations imposed on you by others – achieve a whole alignment with your authentic best self, your values and the life you are meant to live. 

Create a life vision that inspires and propel you to move forward. 

You’ll discover a strength deep within and gain a valuable new perspective on the purpose and meaning of your life.

Harness the clarity of your CORE IDENTITY to rise above your obstacles – and reinvent yourself in the face of challenging circumstances and transitions like divorce, career changes, health issues and spiritual crisis. 

You’ll unlock the power of your vision and transform it into reality through practical goal-setting techniques. 

You’ll gain the tools to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Be empowered to define your aspirations with clarity, create actionable steps that you can follow through, and build momentum toward your dreams.

Whether it’s personal growth, career success, or a more fulfilling life, you’ll leave with a customized roadmap to turn your vision into achievable, meaningful results. Start taking charge of your future today!



Jane Hooy, Entrepreneur & Visual Artist

"Drawing this vision board might only have taken me a few hours but what you don't see behind it is the many months of coaching with Rainy to finally understand myself and find out what is important to me. Thank you Rainy for your patience in guiding me and helping me find my vision. May this act as a compass in all that I do so that I will never get lost again!"

Personal Coaching

$ 2200
  • 6 sessions in 2 months
  • 90 minutes per session
  • Private and personalised
  • 60 days unlimited access to Rainy to ensure you have a full support to create results and stay on track

1 Day Workshop + Personal Coaching

$ 1350
  • 2 Days workshop
  • Snacks & refreshments provided
  • 2 x 90 minutes personal coaching to ensure that you have a strategic action plan and everything you need to stay focus and commit to create the life you envisioned.
  • 30 days unlimited access to Rainy to ensure you have a full support to build your momentum after the workshop.

1 Day Workshop

$ 250
  • Sign up with a friend @ $200 each
  • Snacks & Refreshments provided

Imagine how it would feel like to have the most wonderful, loving and fulfilling relationships with your loved ones; 


To wake up each morning exciting to go to work because you now love what you do and do what you love. 


To have all your finances in order and to never again have to worry about not having enough;


Just imagine how it would feel like to be a source of inspiration for your spouse, children, parents, family, and everyone you encountered in your path… 



Hi, I’m Rainy Rainmaker…

An ordinary individual just like you. I grew up in a turbulent family environment where I often felt anger, fear, insecurity and sadness and as a result, I never dared to dream. 

I told myself that I shouldn’t expect too much in life, I shouldn’t dream too big because if I fail, it would be very painful. Even as adult, I spent eleven years of my life stuck in a toxic marriage where I was verbally abused, constantly belittled, and treated as invisible

I battled depression for many years, not knowing if I could ever be helped. The turning point came when I decided to quit living in my emotional prison. I’ve had enough and I did whatever it takes to change how I think, feel and act which eventually transformed my life. 

I created my ideal life vision to be an inspiring mom, an author, speaker, an international transformation coach and community builder back in 2018 and today, I’m living it ~ authentically, purposefully and unapologetically and I’d like you to live your vision too, a life that you would love and adore. 

On a professional level, I am also a certified:

Frequently Asked Questions

This workshop goes beyond a vision activity, it is designed with a wholistic approach that takes into account your personal qualities to create an aligned life strategy so that you can achieve a whole alignment with your authentic best self and live a truly authentic life.
At the minimum, you may bring along some colouring utensils such as crayons, markers, coloured pencils, stickers, or even old magazines, scissors, and glue. However, this is not compulsory.

Can’t make this time or all the spots filled up? I don’t do this workshop frequently. If you wanted to attend but are unable for any reason, let me know. I may plan more workshops depending on my time commitment and the levels of interest will determine which workshops I would repeat at a later date.

So, let your voice be heard! Send me a message via https://www.linkedin.com/in/rainyrainmaker/ or email me at rainy@growwithrainy.com

Copyright © 2020 – Rainmakers Coaching International