Are you facing a life transition?

Are you going through a setback and you wonder what’s the meaning of your life?

Are you wondering, if you can ever be happy again?

If you are facing a life transition, read on. 

You see, I’ve asked the above questions questions during the low period of my life.

Yes, I’ve been hurt 💔
Disappointed 💔
Ignored 💔
Judged 💔
Rejected 💔
Betrayed 💔

And just like you, I’ve thought of giving up 😪

I thought, maybe I’m not good enough for that job, companies or opportunities. 🤔

Maybe I’m not worthy for that care, love, or relationship.😳

But there is a little voice in me that whispers, “You are more than who you think you are. You deserve more” ❤️ 🔥 .

And for the last 3 years…as I kept listening to that voice…and did my best, today… I’ve created my dream job and I’ve found love again!
✨ 🌈 🌞 💓 ✨ 🍀 😊 🌷 🌟

Have you got that voice?

If you are feeling in despair, hopeless or skeptical – don’t give up.

Find that little voice in you that says you are loved, you are worthy, you are amazing soul – and make it louder…and louder..and louder….

Let no one, not even yourself – tells you otherwise.

And STOP! ⛔️ ⛔️ ⛔️

Carrying the rotten tomatoes in your heart – it repels good people from coming into your life.🤦‍♀️

STOP! ⛔️ ⛔️ ⛔️

Letting the skepticism prosper in your mind – it prevents you from creating more possibilities and change your results.

Perhaps you have a list of your ideal job or your ideal partner.

Take a good look at your list and ASK yourself:

“Do I have these qualities in me?”

If not, “How can I develop these qualities?”
If yes, what you seek will come to you.

WHO YOU ARE, YOU WILL ATTRACT – All you need to do, is to be your best self.

And if you are still wondering HOW?

I would be more than happy to share more because I’m just a phone call away 😘

Let’s talk. 

I’m Rainy the Rainmaker – Making a life transition flow with ease ❤️ 🔥

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About Me

I’m Rainy Rainmaker — a Transformational Life Coach, Executive Coach, Trainer, Author, and Heart Connector. My passion lies in empowering young executives and senior leaders like you to elevate your career and life. With my Rainmakers Transformation Journey, I guide you to uncover your authentic best self, helping you achieve a life of greater freedom, fulfilment and purpose.