Make New Year Resolutions Work For You
You don’t believe you can achieve your goal, that is one of the key reasons why your new year resolution doesn’t work.
If you have been setting the same new year resolution for the last few years and have not been achieving it, you may have given up to set any this year.
Because deep down inside your heart, you doubt if you can really make it happen. You feel it is better not to create any new year resolution so you don’t feel disappointed when it doesn’t happen.
This is what happens when your past setbacks has eroded your self-confidence and certainty.
When you want to change your behaviour but internally you don’t believe with 100% certainty that you can succeed, this misalignment will potentially stop you from taking massive actions.
Your success or ‘failure’ to achieve your goal is heavily dependent on your beliefs.
Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right”.
If I don’t believe I can monetize my passion, I will continue to stick on my job, drag my feet to work and feeling empty every day. I will not step out into the world of entrepreneurship and will not experience the hurdle of a startup and will not experience the fulfilment of getting paid doing what I love, and to truly feeling alive every single day.
If I don’t believe I am worthy of love, I will continue to stick on a toxic relationship, or to settle for man who doesn’t grow me and bring out the best in me. I will not go on dates when I believe that all man are bad.
So if you want to make your new year resolution work for you, you got to change your beliefs. When you change your beliefs, you change your behaviour.
So how do you change your beliefs, increase your confidence and certainty to succeed?
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