Because I love, I got hurt.
Because I got hurt, I now know how to love.
It’s interesting how life unfold. Steve Jobs said, you can always connect the dot from the past. And he was right.
Whatever that has happened, whatever that I’ve experienced, seems to have prepared me for today.
When I take full responsibility of my outcome, I’m in control of my next result, I can change my outcome, my present and my future. That I can make things better, greater, simpler, happier.
All those hours of trainings,
losing sleep,
tears and laughter,
disappointments and triumph,
conflicts and reconciliation,
fear and breakthrough,
falling and standing up,
adds on to the uniqueness to be me.
It is through pain that I learnt to be compassionate,
It is through losing that I learnt to give,
It is through giving that I learnt to receive.
It doesn’t matter how many times I fall, what matter is, what I do with the fall.
Thank you life for teaching me how to fall.
Thank you life for teaching me how to dream again.
In Love & Authenticity,
Rainy the Rainmaker