1. Highlights of 2017

The highlights of 2017, is to finally let go of an 11 years of relationship and commitment that doesn’t serve me. No matter how much I want to make it work, to give my son a happy family, I still lose in this battle. Often quilts came after me, telling me that I must continue to persist for the sake of my boy, but gosh…after all these years, I’ve come to my realization that, I just can’t make it work on my own.

When the man wants to leave, let him leave. I know I can stand tall in the eyes of my son, knowing that I’ve done my best, and it is time to let go.

2. Most grateful for in 2017

I believe the universe is always seeking balance, that’s what I have learned from Dr. John Demartini in his book, ‘The Breakthrough Experience’. When I lose some, I gain some. New good friends appeared, people who believe in me, supporting me and giving me opportunities to move on.

I am most grateful that 2017 has been a year of trials, breakthrough, tears and joy. I am most grateful, for all the experience that I have because it has molded me into a stronger, wiser, beautiful woman.

As I count my blessings, I have so much great things in my life, my little boy, my parents, my siblings, my sisters and friends. Thank you all of you for being in my space, may abundance of love, joy, health and wealth flows into your life always.

3. My theme for 2018

I would like to fill my 2018 with more Courage, Love and Contribution.


Do you agree that a new level of you will need a different you? I do. For as long as we choose to step out of our comfort zone, there will be new things we fear to do. And for me, it is to put myself out there with my courage and vulnerability. Greatness is when I acknowledge my fear and just do it anyway.


I want to be more loving. Everything that I share here, my joy, my pain, my learning, my growing, are a reminder to myself. It serves as a journal that records my wins and loses. As I continue to embark on my journey to design the life that I love, I know there is someone, somewhere out there, who may be going through more challenging experiences, who may need a little encouragement, a little love and I welcome you into my space of Love, Inspiration, Empowerment.

More love because when I give love, I receive love. The world needs a little more love, a little more warmth and kindness and the simplest way to love is to smile and to see the beauty in everyone you meet and tell them, ‘the beauty I see in you is/are….’ Remember to start with yourself, because only when you love yourself, you can give love to others.

So smile, look into the mirror and say…  Rainy…the beauty I see in you are… Your fidelity…once you have decided on its worth, you will stay true to it, all the way. Your warm-heart…no matter how much you were hurt, you forgive, you forget, you smile, over and over again and that’s what makes you beautiful.

Your authenticity….you say what you mean and you keep your space only to those who are willing to show their true self. Your emotional strength….the Rainy whom I know 11 years ago, was a victim, but the Rainy I see today is a Victor. When I saw you smiling to your ‘enemy’, I know you have leveled- up to your higher self.


More contribution because I know someone, somewhere out there is going through painful experiences in their life, be it painful relationship with self, spouse or family and as a result, they felt smaller and smaller, they lose their self-worth and confidence.

I want to be that someone, who inspire and empower women towards greatness by helping them build their courage, confidence and charisma so they can be the best version of themselves and life a happier, fulfilling life. Often they suffer quietly for the sake of harmony, or because they don’t know how they can get
out of the vicious cycle. I want to be that authentic, inspiring and empowering coach who shows them the way to breakthrough, and I want to be the one who shows them the resources within them, to tap into their greatness and transform themselves.

I want to create courageous, confident, charismatic Greatness Tribes.

4. Areas to focus on in 2018

Top priorities are my son, my family, my mission.
I know that I only have one lifetime
I know that time will pass anyway
I want to live a meaningful life with my son and my loved ones.
I want to live a meaningful life helping people find their greatness, because when they shine,
they allow the world to shine with them.

This is my purpose, the reason for my existence.

Thank you, thank you, thank you God of love, abundance and triumph.

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About Me

I’m Rainy Rainmaker — a Transformational Life Coach, Executive Coach, Trainer, Author, and Heart Connector. My passion lies in empowering young executives and senior leaders like you to elevate your career and life. With my Rainmakers Transformation Journey, I guide you to uncover your authentic best self, helping you achieve a life of greater freedom, fulfilment and purpose.