Today’s theme:
To Aries: Choose One word that describes your mom, create the painting and give it to your mom.
To Mom: Choose One word that describes Aries, create the painting and give it to your son.
I’m surprised and I’m grateful that my little boy gave me the word ‘Positive’ haha…of all the words he can pick, I feel so much love.
A decade ago, in the early years of marriage, I was an unhappy, bitter Mom who didn’t know how to response in a rocky relationship.
Today, hearing Aries telling me, “… you are a positive and pretty mom”, I’m grateful that I’ve come a long long way.
Looking at the painting, we have both learned something ~ How to express our love in a way that the other person wants to be loved.
Aries has chosen the colours I love to create his painting for me, especially Pink (the colour that he dislike because he’s a boy). I would have thought that his creation is my creation, because those were my favourite colours.
Likewise, I’ve chosen to paint Minion to represent his happy, funny character and also chosen blue because its his favourite colour. Others could have thought that my painting is his painting.
Question: Have you ever feel that, the person you love doesn’t love you enough?
Well often it’s because, your ‘rules’ to feel love could be different from your partner’s rule to feel and express love.
For instance, my son, he’s preferred love language is through act of service. When I help him with the simple act of drying his hair, cooked for him or help him unpack his bag, he feels loved. He can do those by himself, but when he wants to feel love, he’ll ask mommy to give him a hand.
If my preferred love language is words of affirmations and I keep telling him how much I love him without doing an ‘act of service’, he won’t feel that I love him. He’ll feel that its just a lip service.
In his book of The Five Love Language, Gary Chapman shared that people have preference in how they want to feel love and how they want to express love.
- Receiving gifts
- Quality time
- Words of affirmations
- Act of service
- Physical touch
What are your top two preference? Please share!
In Authenticity & Courage,
Rainy the Rainmaker
P.S. Knowing what you know now, how can you engage a personal coach so you can achieve your goals faster and easier?
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