Have you ever feel like you have a ‘flat battery’ after a ‘big race’?
Everyday is like a big race isn’t it? You race through life, you give all of your energy, your brain juice, committing to your work, your business, your bosses, your clients, your spouse, your kids over and over again and you wonder, when was the last time you give to yourself?
As a strong, hard working, committed person, you keep pushing to move forward, dragging your ‘flat battery’….but you feel that the more you give, the more burned out you become.
The thought inside your head fills up with more frustrations and its dragging you down…
You are losing your motivation, and you find yourself smiling lesser…
You feel stuck in your daily routine of doing and doing,
But you know that’s not who you truly are, and you wonder, if only you can recharge yourself, if only you can reconnect with your authentic self and just be You.
Does that sound familiar?
Well that’s what I felt before and I asked myself, what’s the cost of forcing myself to keep racing despite my flat battery?
It made me feel totally drained emotionally and physically and I felt exhausted, unmotivated and I wasn’t productive at all. My brain juices also run low.
One part of me said, “there are tons of things to do, no break, don’t be lazy, you have enough breaks already”, she said.
Another part of me said, “take a break, you deserve a good break after working so hard, giving so much”.
I wanted to work fast so I could quickly cross out my to do list and speed up my race to get to my destination, but I found myself getting so distracted, getting busy for nothing and end up not producing any solid result, a day gone wasted.
A day where I could just use to reconnect with myself and top up my empty tank.
My lesson learned?
“The faster I want to rush, the slower I get to be”
So I told myself to listen to my heart, to listen to my body.
Here are the three things you must do when you feel emotionally and physically drained, you know that ignoring it will only cost you more time wasted and unproductive efforts.
Allow yourself to take a break. Yes, your mind is telling you that you have so many things to do, so little time, bla bla bla….lots of pressure. But you can re-educate your mind, tell your subconscious mind that the more you recharge yourself, the faster you get to your destination, easily and effortlessly. Repeat this programming slowly and you will notice.
You’ve given so much to others = OUTPUT.
When do you give to yourself? = INPUT.
Reconnecting with yourself is the faster way to top up your emotional tank, to recharge your flat battery. Everyone connect with themselves differently. Here are some of the ways people connect with themselves, choose one that resonates with you.
- Writing
- Singing
- Listening to good music
- Dancing
- Reading
- Get a good massage
- Get a good spa
- Art jamming
- Watching movies
- Exercising
- Sleeping
- Meditating
My personally love writing a journal, singing, dancing, sleeping and art jamming haha…
Have you noticed that sometimes when you feel so drained and exhausted, you start wondering why do you do what you do? you felt a little lost.
This is the best time to to recall and reaffirm what you want to create in your life. To reflect and realign so that you stay on track and move towards your desired destination.
Most people get stuck in the doing and doing, taking care of what’s urgent but may not be important.
I remember when I was working for people, everyday feels so urgent. Making those sales calls were urgent. Advertising those programs were urgent. Picking up my son from the student care were urgent. I felt I have no time left to work on what’s important to me, to contribute to others, to live my mission so I could feel fulfilled and alive.
Clear vision leads to a clear action, clear action leads to a clear outcome, isn’t it?
Pausing, Reconnecting, Realigning allows me to stay on track so I could move towards my destination.
It allows me to say no to distractions, and to invest my time in what’s truly important to me.
I hope you too, can keep moving steadily and enjoy your process because you know, as long as you stay focused towards your outcome, it is not a question of whether you can or cannot reach your destination, the question is when.
In Authenticity & Courage,
Rainy the Rainmaker
P.S. Knowing what you know now, how can you engage a personal coach so that you can achieve your goals faster and easier?
You can contact me at Rainy@growwithrainy.com for a 90 minutes complimentary Discovery session at https://growwithrainy.com/schedule-your-call-with-rainy/