“Emotion does not happen to you. Emotion is an act of doing.”

I had so much fun asking my little boy Aries to show me the ‘strategies’ he use to feel excited, happy, sad by pretending.
And he did so well showing me how he does it, how he move his body, how he sit, how he stand, how he breath, and the thoughts that was going on his mind and the words he said to himself when he was creating a specific emotion.

What’s great from this exercise is, I don’t need to tell him my points. He gave me all the answers by himself. By allowing him to be his own teacher, he feels smart, he gets it and he owns it. 

This, is the true power of coaching.

To believe that people have the answers and the resources within them, all they need is someone to help them draw out their power.


Question: What is your experience of coaching?


In Authenticity & Courage,

Rainy the Rainmaker


P.S. Knowing what you know now, how can you engage a personal coach so you can achieve your goals faster and easier?

You can contact me at Rainy@growwithrainy.com for a 90 minutes complimentary Discovery session or find out more at https://growwithrainy.com/coaching-with-rainy/



pain the fact of life #growwithrainy

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About Me

I’m Rainy Rainmaker — a Transformational Life Coach, Executive Coach, Trainer, Author, and Heart Connector. My passion lies in empowering young executives and senior leaders like you to elevate your career and life. With my Rainmakers Transformation Journey, I guide you to uncover your authentic best self, helping you achieve a life of greater freedom, fulfilment and purpose.