The truth is, you can be a better version of yourself, when you decide 🎯

I don’t believe in having to choose between inner beauty and outer beauty. Why can’t you have both? 🤔

You can be the best version of yourself_#growwithrainy life coachMany years back, I gave up on myself, I didn’t care how I look, I told myself I’m old, unattractive, it doesn’t matter, nobody appreciates me anyway. And those beliefs, created that outlook. I was fat, old and haggard. Honestly, deep inside, I didn’t like myself. I was in DENIAL!! 🙈


It was only until I make a decision to change and to do whatever it takes, that I was able to create a different outcome over the years. I started to love ❤️❤️❤️myself inside out, releasing my emotional baggages 💩 and beliefs that doesn’t serve me, reprogramming and reconditioning my mind with new, empowering beliefs and aligning my value system that supports my growth 🌱🌱🌱

It was all hard work, I invested in myself. But the upside was bigger than the downside 🏖️

I stopped expecting others to give me what I want, the love, the approval, the recognition, the praises 😍

I started giving myself what I want, and giving others what I want. I filled my heart fully, and that abundance shines from within, giving me the confidence that I long for 😎

📌 What are you willing to do to get what you want?
📌 What are you willing to let go to get what you want?


In Authenticiy & Courage,

Rainy the Rainmaker


P.S. Knowing what you know now, how can you engage a personal coach so you can achieve your goals faster and easier?

You can contact me at for a 90 minutes complimentary Discovery session or find out more at



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About Me

I’m Rainy Rainmaker — a Transformational Life Coach, Executive Coach, Trainer, Author, and Heart Connector. My passion lies in empowering young executives and senior leaders like you to elevate your career and life. With my Rainmakers Transformation Journey, I guide you to uncover your authentic best self, helping you achieve a life of greater freedom, fulfilment and purpose.