The truth is, you can be a better version of yourself, when you decide 🎯
I don’t believe in having to choose between inner beauty and outer beauty. Why can’t you have both? 🤔
Many years back, I gave up on myself, I didn’t care how I look, I told myself I’m old, unattractive, it doesn’t matter, nobody appreciates me anyway. And those beliefs, created that outlook. I was fat, old and haggard. Honestly, deep inside, I didn’t like myself. I was in DENIAL!! 🙈
It was only until I make a decision to change and to do whatever it takes, that I was able to create a different outcome over the years. I started to love ❤️❤️❤️myself inside out, releasing my emotional baggages 💩 and beliefs that doesn’t serve me, reprogramming and reconditioning my mind with new, empowering beliefs and aligning my value system that supports my growth 🌱🌱🌱
It was all hard work, I invested in myself. But the upside was bigger than the downside 🏖️
I stopped expecting others to give me what I want, the love, the approval, the recognition, the praises 😍
I started giving myself what I want, and giving others what I want. I filled my heart fully, and that abundance shines from within, giving me the confidence that I long for 😎
📌 What are you willing to do to get what you want?
📌 What are you willing to let go to get what you want?
In Authenticiy & Courage,
Rainy the Rainmaker
P.S. Knowing what you know now, how can you engage a personal coach so you can achieve your goals faster and easier?
You can contact me at for a 90 minutes complimentary Discovery session or find out more at