Rainmakers Coaching Programs

Personal Coaching – Rainmakers Transformation Journey

If you are looking for a total transformation in your personal and professional life, one that is lasting and sustainable, the Rainmakers Transformation Journey is for you

Group Coaching - Building Rock Solid Confidence 

Do you want to be able to sway  and influence people more? Have more respect? Experience less anxiety and overthinking? 

Life Visioning Workshop

Feeling lost? Don’t know what’s the meaning of your life? Haven’t found your purpose? 
This Life Visioning Workshop is a  personalised system that helps you get in touch with what you really want in life. 
Moments of crisis have its most critical effect on our emotional imagination. As the anticipated future disappears, we are faced not only with the challenge of creating strategy in the absence of certainty, but with the emotional pressure of addressing uncertainty itself. 
What if I can SHOW you that you can be fearless?

Free Training / Events

Webinar -Own Your Sucess

Do you often feel unhappy and dissatisfied with yourself?
No matter how much success you have accomplished in life, you can’t help but to feel inadequate?

Building Rock Solid Confidence - Masterclass

Are you struggling with self-doubt, anxiety or fear no matter how much you’ve accomplished in life?
Do you feel invisible at work and bypassed for promotions, even when your peers aren’t as smart as you?
The 3 Steps ‘Rainmakers’ Transformation Method that you can use to destroy your inner doubts almost immediately.
Check out how  one of my anxious clients used the same exact method and see immediate results personally and professionally in less than 24 hours. 

Heart Talk Networking Events

Where the dimming hearts turn into DAZZLING heart! An evening of Inspiration, Empowerment, Impact. If you believe that Who You Are Makes A Difference, do join us. At HEART TALK, we seek to connect, encourage and empower one another with our life stories, our struggles, our triumph and everything that makes us human.