Group Coaching Program

Hi! I’m Rainy
What if I can show you how you can clear your roadblocks and set-up your inner GPS that will lead you to your destination? No more procrastination, or over-thinking.
Can you recall the times when you feel so hyped-up, so confident and empowered when you attended a training program? Thereafter, you tried applying what you’ve learned in your life. And as the weeks and the month passed, you kept hitting roadblocks, fighting with your self-doubts, procrastination, over-thinking and fear of failure. And the more dwell in them, the more you lose your motivation, you accepted the the belief that it’s impossible to achieve your goals and live your dream. So you give up.
Because you have no one who can guide you along the journey, who can give you that Clarity, Courage and Confidence to take massive actions. It was a lonely fight, a painful process.
In this program, I’ll be your guide, holding you step-by-step, giving you the clarity when you’re lost at the cross-road, pulling out your your courage and confidence when you’re afraid, so you can achieve your goals faster and easier.
You will move together with your peers, having the group accountability and support, encouraging and pushing one another to be do their best and jumpstart your success together.
You see, my life changed the moment I decide to change and did whatever it takes to change.
- I’ve gone from being depressed and shut down, mentally, emotionally and physiologically, horrible thoughts of unworthiness, to a life by design, a life by contribution, a Joyful Mom, an Author, an International Transformation Coach, Speaker and Trainer.
- I had proven my self-worth and gained immense satisfaction from the acknowledgement and praise from my perfectionist ex, who had treated me as invisible and made me feel less than worthy.
- My 9 yr old son who used to say I’m not as great as his father now telling me “Mommy I’m so proud of you”
- Having dedicated my entire life to emotional breakthrough, I'm now able to live my mission to Inspire, Empower and Impact women and men globally.
- Having dedicated my entire life to emotional breakthrough, I'm now able to live my mission to Inspire, Empower and Impact women and men globally.
- From a nobody, to having an unending streams of messages from people all over the world, many who I've never met, appreciating me for my work.
- I feel FULFILLED getting paid doing what I love while making an IMPACT, I've the FREEDOM to choose who I want to work with, more time and flexibility to take care of my loved ones and surrounded with a community of uplifting friends.
It took me years of investing in my personal development, to finally found the strategies and techniques to break free from my fears, to become my best self in my absolute confidence.
You can do it like I did, trying to find your own way through trial and error and waste 10 years mastering the skill set, or you can take hold my hands and let me guide you, one step at a time so you can stop living in fear and start creating the life you deserve.
These strategies that I’m going to share with you in this 4 weeks will save you another year of procrastination and jumpstart your success.
I know you know there are more within you, waiting to be discovered. You are bigger than who you think you are and all it takes is a little more push, a little more skill set to achieve your goals Faster and Smarter.
You will go through my step-by-step process which will make it easier for you to master the skill set and jumpstart your success.
I will walk guide you through the steps and hold you closely so you can be who you said you want to be and do what you said you want to do, even when you are scared.
“I see lights..”
- What can you achieve more when you have 10x the confidence now?
- What happens to your pay and promotion when you begin saying more ‘YES’ to your boss and solve bigger problems?
- What happens to your inner joy and authentic self when you stop saying ‘YES’ to what you don’t want?
- What difference can you create in your financial, career, relationship growth?
- How would life be different?
Here’s What Inside
Group Coaching Program

Week 1 – Clearing Your Roadblocks
Transforming Inner Critics To Inner Coach
($300 Value)
[ 120 minutes / week ]
- Are you sick and tired of being beaten-up by your inner critics? In this module we will learn a strategy to shut it down and turn it into a nurturing inner coach. One that can support you to achieve your goals.

Week 2 – Clearing Your Roadblocks
Release Your Limiting Beliefs
($300 Value)
- Have you ever feel like you are always moving one step ahead and two steps back?
- You want to be successful but you are afraid of failure?
- You want to go out there and pursue your destiny but you are afraid of the uncertainty?
- You want to do more in your work or your business but you don’t want to lose the time you have with your kids?
- Get crystal clear on what inner conflicts are getting in your way.
- Get unstuck and in alignment with your values and what’s truly important to you so you can clear your path and take-off towards success.
- Feel at peace with yourself and your goals.

Week 3 – Re-establishing Inner Greatness, Finding Your Purpose & Identity
- Discovering your best self - Who are you at your best?
- Stop feeling lost in life, crystallise your life purpose and vision so you can sail with confidence and certainty.
- Release any limitation in your mind that's been keeping you small and turn it into liberation to achieve your goals.

Week 4 – Reprogram Your Mind & Take Massive Actions
- Step-by-step action plans.
- Review progress and keep moving ahead.
- Installing your mind with successful mindset so you can become the upgraded version of yourself.
- A warm and safe environment where you can open up, be loved and not be judged.
- Before the program begin, I’ll set up a 90 min coaching call with you to answer any questions you have relating to the Rainmakers Transformation Journey.
- Throughout the journey, you will have my accountability support via WhatsApp. Journey to the top doesn’t have to be a lonely one.
- After the journey, I’ll have a personal, 60 min follow-up call with you to ensure you have everything you need to sustain your transformation and scale up your success.
- Have enough of life setbacks and want to rebound 10x faster, 10x further.
- Want to tap into your emotional and mind power.
- Want to get rid of your imposter syndrome and OWN your space.
- Want to take charge of your life - live a life by design, not by default.
- Want to master the skillset to attract the right people and opportunities into your life.
- Want to have a transformational coach who brings out the best in you, support you, nurture you.
- Want to embrace the fruits of G.R.A.C.E (Greatness, Resilience, Abundance, Confidence, Excellence) in your relationship, career or business.
- Want to be an authentic, charismatic, powerful yet loving leader.
- Want to be an abundant, happy individual who live life meaningfully, doing what you love and making an impact.
- Believe having a kickass coach will help you achieve your goals faster and smarter.
- Are ready to meet your best self, achieve your goals consistently and transform your life permanently.
- You are super self-driven, you don’t need anyone to push you because you can be accountable to yourself and achieve your goals consistently.
- You don’t want to transform your life, you are happy with where you are now and you believe it can’t get any better.

Rainy is the founder of Rainmakers Coaching International, a Speaker, Trainer and Author who is on a mission to Inspire, Empower and Impact over 1 million people worldwide, to breakout of their emotional prison and reclaim their power with practical tools and strategies so they can feel liberated, safe and certain to create the life they absolutely love.
Her passion towards personal growth for the last decade has led her to embark on a journey of growing and empowering others through the power of subconscious mind, strategic interventions, negative emotions clearing and transformation coaching to heal and help people create a lasting change.
As a Transformation Coach and a Strategic Interventionist, she has helped over hundreds of executives and entrepreneurs who are going through downtimes, to breakthrough their fears and overcome unconscious self-sabotage, so they can level-up their personal and professional results, by transferring her proven Transformation system, equipping them with absolute Clarity, Courage and Confidence so they can achieve their goals in 6 months or less, absolutely feeling happier, loving and successful in all areas of their life.
She is also a certified/licenced:
- Strategic Interventionist (Robbins-Madanes Training)
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner (International Association NLP)
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner (The Society of NLP)
- NLP Coach (The American Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and
- Timeline Therapy Practitioner (Timeline Therapy Association – Dr Tad James)
- FULLY personalised coaching agenda to create your total transformation.
- A minimum of 6 Months personal transformation coaching with Rainy, 30 - 36 hours for a total transformation.
- 1 In-depth pre-coaching questionnaire to measure where you are right now.
- 6 Months personal accountability support to ensure you are on track and constantly moving forward.
- 6 Months access to Rainy for Ad-Hoc Coaching via text/voice/video calls.
- The ultimate outcome for The Rainmakers Transformation Journey is to create a total transformation in the key areas of your life, so you can be your BEST-SELF and have the capacity to handle bigger challenges, take bigger risk and equipped with Life Strategies and Techniques to succeed in your life.
- Your brain is like a super-computer, imagine what results can you change and achieve in your life when you upgrade your emotional and mind mastery.
- Enrolment to the Rainmakers Transformation Journey is by application only because I'm only open to work closely with committed individuals. Please contact Rainy only when you feel you are ready to transform your life. Thank you.
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