Transform Your Life With

Hi! I’m Rainy
I’m here to help you to be your best self with absolute confidence, so you can stop letting other people’s judgement stop you from pursuing your destiny, so you can feel 100% certain about yourself and be the most confident, powerful self you could ever be!
Discover my 3 steps proven transformation process that is simple and easy to follow, so you can break free from your emotional prison, re-build your confidence and increase your worth!
Have ever felt like you are invisible? You were there physically but no one acknowledge you?
Are you feeling lost and stuck in your emotional prison and you wonder, where did your best self go?
Or have you been fighting with your self-doubts and negative self-talk, thinking that you are not good enough? No matter how much you’ve achieved, the perfectionist side of you think it was never good enough and it burns you out.
Despite all the success and external proof of your competence, no matter how many people said you are successful and capable, you feel like a phony and you fear they will find out the truth.
And the more you dwell on the past mistakes, the more you find yourself losing your confidence and it stops you from achieving more in life. You feel UNHAPPY and INSECURE.
It doesn’t matter if you are a professional, a manager, a director or a leader at work, if you have experienced persistent life setbacks or have been living with persistent self-bashing inner critics, it can rip you off your confidence and throw you off-course.
I know exactly how you feel, having lived with my imposter syndrome and being thrown off-course when I lost my marriage.
If you have battled with these inner critics…
“I’m such a failure…”
“I’m not good enough…”
“I feel lost and stuck…”
“I’m burned out…”
“I’m scared and I’m all alone..”
“Why am I here?”
You will know how I feel.
I was stuck in my own emotional prison.
Having been in a toxic relationship for a decade, I lost my self-worth, my identity, my happiness.
It was only after I started investing fully in my personal growth that I realised that I’ve inappropriate behavioural patterns that had been sabotaging my life unconsciously. Thanks to my past conditioning, I carried deep rooted fear to love and massive fear to succeed. It had sabotaged my personal and professional life. I paid a huge price for not knowing what I didn’t know.
My life changed the moment I decide to change and did whatever it takes to change.
- I’ve gone from being depressed and shut down, mentally, emotionally and physiologically, horrible thoughts of unworthiness, to a life by design, a life by contribution, a Joyful Mom, an Author, an International Transformation Coach, Speaker and Trainer.
- I had proven my self-worth and gained immense satisfaction from the acknowledgement and praise from my perfectionist ex, who had treated me as invisible and made me feel less than worthy.
- My 9 yr old son who used to say I’m not as great as his father now telling me “Mommy I’m so proud of you”
- Having dedicated my entire life to emotional breakthrough, I’m now able to live my mission to Inspire, Empower and Impact women and men globally.
- From a nobody, to having an unending streams of messages from people all over the world, many who I’ve never met, appreciating me for my work.
- I feel FULFILLED getting paid doing what I love while making an IMPACT, I’ve the FREEDOM to choose who I want to work with, more time and flexibility to take care of my loved ones and surrounded with a community of uplifting friends.
It took me years of investing in my personal development, to finally found the strategies and techniques to break free from my emotional prison, to become my best self in my absolute confidence.
From an invisible woman to sharing my gifts to the world.
I found my identity, a warrior of light who shine on the world with G.R.A.C.E.
You can do it like I did, trying to find your own way through trial and error and waste 10 years mastering the skill set, or you can take an express way by following my 3 steps proven Rainmakers Transformation Process so you can stop paying the price for what you didn’t know, so you can embrace the fruits of G.R.A.C.E, living with
Greatness, Resilience, Abundance, Confidence and Excellence.
These skills I’m going to share with you in this 6 months course will save you another 10 years of learning curves and set you up for success.
I know you know there are more within you, waiting to be discovered. You are bigger than who you think you are and all it takes is a little more push, a little more skill set to achieve your goals Faster and Smarter.
You will go through my step-by-step process which will make it easier for you to master the skill set and transform your life.
I will walk you through the journey and hold you closely so you can be who you said you want to be and do what you said you want to do, even when you are scared.
- What can you achieve more when you have 10x the confidence now?
- What happens to your pay and promotion when you begin saying more ‘YES’ to your boss and solve bigger problems?
- What happens to your inner joy and authentic self when you stop saying ‘YES’ to what you don’t want?
- What difference can you create in your financial, career, relationship growth?
- How would life be different?
Grace Tay, Freelancer, Singapore
“I see lights..”
Julia Gerassimova, Passionate Theta Healer, Australia
“She’s really amazing woman, she’s so sincere…”
Pei Ting, Senior Manager, Singapore
“If you’re feeling stuck in life you need Rainy”
Kate, Energy Teacher & Certified Akashi Practitioner, Russia
“If you want results in your life you’re in the right place!”
Earned $1,000 in only 7 hours!
Jonecca San Pascual, Co-founder Zentellect Corp, Phillipines
“She was able to give me the clarity that I need…”
Josep Goberna, Machine Psichologist, Singapore
“I feel confident…”
Here’s what inside
Month 1 – Clearing The Past
Give your life a spring clean!
- Understanding how your emotional baggages are ripping you off your power mentally and physically
- Release emotional blockages that are getting in your own way, get rid of the emotional obstacles and negative energy that sucks away your well-being.
- Empty out the space in your heart so abundance can flow in, make a space for new growth.
- Commit to letting go of what’s holding you back so you can have the mental clarity to take on the world.
Month 2 – Resolving Inner Conflicts
- Have you ever feel like you are always moving one step ahead and two steps back?
- You want to be successful but you are afraid of failure?
- You want to go out there and pursue your destiny but you are afraid of the uncertainty?
- You want to do more in your work or your business but you don’t want to lose the time you have with your kids?
- Get crystal clear on what inner conflicts are getting in your way.
- Get unstuck and in alignment with your values and what’s truly important to you so you can clear your path and take-off towards success.
- Feel at peace with yourself and your goals.
Month 3 – Re-establishing Inner Greatness, Finding Your Purpose & Identity
- Discovering your best self – Who are you at your best?
- Stop feeling lost in life, crystallise your life purpose and vision so you can sail with confidence and certainty.
- Release any limitation in your mind that’s been keeping you small and turn it into liberation to achieve your goals.
Month 4 – Reprogram Your Mind & Take Massive Actions
- Step-by-step action plans.
- Review progress and keep moving ahead.
- Installing your mind with successful mindset so you can become the upgraded version of yourself.
Month 5 – Recalibrate Your Sail & Conditioning
- Hitting a roadblock? Not getting what you want yet?
- Here is where we Review and Recalibrate your progress so you can stay on track and keep moving.
- Doing the ‘unfamiliar’ over and over again until you become your best self.
- Execute your new programming, conditioning your mind and body until it become part of you.
Month 6 – Conditioning & Celebration
- Embracing the upgraded version of yourself – your best self.
- Inspiring yourself.
- Celebrating your wins.
- A warm and safe environment where you can open up, be loved and not be judged.
- Before the program begin, I’ll set up a 90 min coaching call with you to answer any questions you have relating to the Rainmakers Transformation Journey.
- Throughout the journey, you will have my accountability support via WhatsApp. Journey to the top doesn’t have to be a lonely one.
- After the journey, I’ll have a personal, 60 min follow-up call with you to ensure you have everything you need to sustain your transformation and scale up your success.
- Have enough of life setbacks and want to rebound 10x faster, 10x further.
- Want to tap into your emotional and mind power.
- Want to get rid of your imposter syndrome and OWN your space.
- Want to take charge of your life – live a life by design, not by default.
- Want to master the skillset to attract the right people and opportunities into your life.
- Want to have a transformational coach who brings out the best in you, support you, nurture you.
- Want to embrace the fruits of G.R.A.C.E (Greatness, Resilience, Abundance, Confidence, Excellence) in your relationship, career or business.
- Want to be an authentic, charismatic, powerful yet loving leader.
- Want to be an abundant, happy individual who live life meaningfully, doing what you love and making an impact.
- Believe having a kickass coach will help you achieve your goals faster and smarter.
Are ready to meet your best self, achieve your goals consistently and transform your life permanently.
- You are super self-driven, you don’t need anyone to push you because you can be accountable to yourself and achieve your goals consistently.
- You don’t want to transform your life, you are happy with where you are now and you believe it can’t get any better.
- Great question! My clients are typically professionals and business owners who:
- Are struggling with change such as career transition, divorce or setbacks in life.
- Seeks clarity, certainty, courage and confidence to pursue their passion and live a fulfilling life.
- Are a specialist in their profession but want to grow their people and communication skills.
- Are fighting procrastination and wants to achieve their goals more consistently and rapidly.
Why does this program take 6 months? Why not just go for a 4 weeks or 12 weeks program?
- If you were to ask yourself, how many years have you been holding on to the inappropriate behavioural patterns that’s been stopping you from getting more love, more recognition, more money or more fulfilment in your life? You would probably say, 20 years, 30 years or more. So if you have been conditioned to live in a certain way, wouldn’t it be fair to give yourself at least 6 months to reprogram yourself with new mindset and recondition your new behavioural patterns so that it can stick with you for good?
- Can you recall the countless people you know, who makes new year resolution then gives up on their goals and go back to their old habit? Or do you know people who are seminar junkies? They go to seminar after seminar, courses after courses but years passed by and their life is still the same? Why? Because you and I know that changing ourselves is hard work, especially when we are on our own. The truth is, we need someone who can hold us firmly, guide us and believe in us. We need people who can support us in our journey. So you may or may not agree with this but, if you want to create a sustainable, permanent change in your life, it will take at least 6 months of transformation journey. If you just want a quick fix and don’t mind going back to your old self when the storm hits, then a 4 weeks or 12 weeks program would be good enough.
- One of my teacher Tony Robbins said “Success is 80% psychology, 20% is mechanics”. Just imagine, you want to make more money. You attended an investment course by an investment guru who gives you his proven tool to make more wealth. This tool, is the mechanics. Think of it like a Ferarri. It can get you to your destination 10x faster.
- But what if you didn’t have the mindset to drive it? Your fear of failure says, “what if I drive so fast and it crash?” Your self-doubts says, “I’m scared, can I really do this?”. Can you drive the Ferrari effectively to its maximum potential? Just imagine this, the same guru can give the same tool to 100 students, but only the rare 5 students succeeded. Why? Because it goes back to the individual self, right? When you build your best self and have the absolute confidence, you can drive any Ferarri that’s given to you easily and effortlessly. So wouldn’t you want to work on your psychology and you can perform any mechanics successfully? Whether it is to increase your income so you can have more time to live your life, to get promotion and recognition at work or to salvage the relationship at home?
One of my teacher, Mark Hemstedt, lived his life vivaciously, full of passion and fulfilment doing what he loves, he played hard and worked hard, he made a difference with his leadership training and coaching across the region. Throughout his life, he has impacted over hundreds of thousands of people with his work, he created leaders who were impacted by his teachings, and these leaders created greater ripple effects in the world.
Sadly, he passed away at the age of 55 years old.
What if, he never made the decision to do what he was meant to do?
In the last years alone, how many great names have passed?
What if Avicii, Kate Spade, Robin Williams, Prince said it was not the right time to pursue their greatness?
What if tomorrow never comes?
Do you want a specialist who is not just trained in practical emotional and mind mastery, but also someone who has been through the journey personally, who understands your fears and had successfully helped countless individuals and most importantly, who can connect with you at a deeper level and pull you out of the darkness that you are trapped in? If you’ve said yes, then you and I can be the right fit for a coaching relationship. If not, I’m sure you will be able to find a different coach that fit your needs.
Have you ever felt like you know what’s the right thing to do, what you must do and should do, but you are not doing it? Because your ego, or your emotions is blocking you? And no matter how many logical questions your coach ask you, you just refuse to make a move?
I am not an ICF coach because I’m an NLP Coach with the American Board of NLP (ABNLP), which is the world’s largest authority in NLP with its own training standards and regulations. I’m equipped with practical techniques and strategies to get you out of your emotional blockages so you can do the right thing that your rational thought has been telling you. So your logical mind and heart can be aligned.
I am also a Strategic Interventionist trained under the official life coach training of Tony Robbins. Strategic Intervention (SI) is an interdisciplinary framework and movement, extracted from the most practical and highly effective forms of strategic action and communication from a variety of disciplines: Ericksonian therapy, strategic family therapy, Human Needs Psychology, organisational psychology, neurolinguistics, psychology of influence and others. SI is a method of practical strategic action to create a positive and lasting change.
So if you want not just a coach who can ask the right questions but also a specialist equipped with practical tools and techniques to get you out of your own way, you are at the right place.
What is your coaching approach and methodologies?
I must admit, I prefer to do things that are practical, convenient, that can be done in a shortest time and give maximum return. Are you like me?
That’s why I prefer to be a practical ‘psychologist’ that gives people their mind and emotional independence in 3-6 months, rather than a 5-10 years dependency on their counsellors.
For more information of my coaching approaches and methodologies, click HERE
What is Transformation Coaching?
Lao Tzu said, “The way to do is to be“. Transformation coaching is an internal process that emphasises on ‘your being’, rather than ‘your doing’. It is not what you do, it is who you are.
Transformation coaching involves a deeper work of expanding your capacity to see who you truly are, to understand your authentic self and to be who you can be as you allow yourself to tap into your greatness.
To read more, click Transformation Coaching
Dr Mie B.K, Dentist, Phillipines
“There is always a breakthrough, she help me lead to the direction of what I really want”
Jess Heng, Business Development, Marketing and Communication Manager, Malaysia
“Rainy really bring me from sucks towards release and enjoyable..”
Alena Lavrinenko, Purchasing Manager, Russia
“It’s really effective!”
Reena Kong, ACII Chartered Insurer & Accreditation Panel Member of Finance Accreditation Agency (FAA), Malaysia
“you helped me to understand what is the most important thing I need to do and how I should move forward”
D’Hann, Speaker, Malaysia
“Rainy removed all of my panic attacks! It’s changed my life!”
Nick Yung, FitCoach, Malaysia
“After only one session my negative emotions have already gone”
Rainy is the founder of Rainmakers Coaching International, a Speaker, Trainer and Author who is on a mission to Inspire, Empower and Impact over 1 million people worldwide, to breakout of their emotional prison and reclaim their power with practical tools and strategies so they can feel liberated, safe and certain to create the life they absolutely love.
Her passion towards personal growth for the last decade has led her to embark on a journey of growing and empowering others through the power of subconscious mind, strategic interventions, negative emotions clearing and transformation coaching to heal and help people create a lasting change.
As a Transformation Coach and a Strategic Interventionist, she has helped over hundreds of executives and entrepreneurs who are going through downtimes, to breakthrough their fears and overcome unconscious self-sabotage, so they can level-up their personal and professional results, by transferring her proven Transformation system, equipping them with absolute Clarity, Courage and Confidence so they can achieve their goals in 6 months or less, absolutely feeling happier, loving and successful in all areas of their life.
- FULLY personalised coaching agenda to create your total transformation.
- A minimum of 6 Months personal transformation coaching with Rainy, 30 – 36 hours for a total transformation.
- 1 In-depth pre-coaching questionnaire to measure where you are right now.
- 6 Months personal accountability support to ensure you are on track and constantly moving forward.
- 6 Months access to Rainy for Ad-Hoc Coaching via text/voice/video calls.
- The ultimate outcome for The Rainmakers Transformation Journey is to create a total transformation in the key areas of your life, so you can be your BEST-SELF and have the capacity to handle bigger challenges, take bigger risk and equipped with Life Strategies and Techniques to succeed in your life.
- Your brain is like a super-computer, imagine what results can you change and achieve in your life when you upgrade your emotional and mind mastery.
- Enrolment to the Rainmakers Transformation Journey is by application only because I’m only open to work closely with committed individuals. Please contact Rainy only when you feel you are ready to transform your life. Thank you.
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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above are my personal sales figures. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET OUR INFORMATION.
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