19 June 2020, 8pm – 9.30pm [Online]

Sailing Beyond Crisis – What if NOW is your turning point to grow & success?
How can you create a better life that’s fulfilling & thriving?
How can you create the life you love, regardless of all the uncertainties and volatilities in our world? How can you achieve your goals despite adversity?
Moments of crisis have its most critical effect on our emotional imagination. As the anticipated future disappears, we are faced not only with the challenge of creating strategy in the absence of certainty, but with the emotional pressure of addressing uncertainty itself. Without confronting the underlying emotional reality that informs our decision making in crisis, our decision making will be tainted by anxiety and fear.
What if I can show you that you can be fearless?
- Fearlessly moving when things get tough.
- Fearlessly taking charge, stay productive and focused towards your goals?
- How would life change when you can face your fear and take massive actions?
- Find out the top 10 common roadblocks that stops people from moving forward.
- Know your greatest fear.
- Top 3 roots of fear that creates the unnecessary fear in your life.
- The 1 simple yet proven way to overcome your fear.
- How can you move forward constantly?
- Want to face your fear and change your life.
- Have enough of procrastination, now is the time to act.
- Believe there is opportunity in adversity.
- Want to take charge of your life and not let life throw you off-course.
- Want to master the skillset to attract the right people and opportunities into your life.
- Have important goals to achieve.
- You have no fear that stops you from achieving your goals constantly.
- You don’t want believe in personal development.
- You have no time to grow yourself or change your life.
- You are happy with the status quo.
- Great question! My clients are typically professionals and business owners who:
- Are struggling with change such as career transition, divorce or setbacks in life.
- Seeks clarity, certainty, courage and confidence to pursue their passion and live a fulfilling life.
- Are a specialist in their profession but want to grow their people and communication skills.
- Are fighting procrastination and wants to achieve their goals more consistently and rapidly.
One of my teacher, Mark Hemstedt, lived his life vivaciously, full of passion and fulfilment doing what he loves, he played hard and worked hard, he made a difference with his leadership training and coaching across the region. Throughout his life, he has impacted over hundreds of thousands of people with his work, he created leaders who were impacted by his teachings, and these leaders created greater ripple effects in the world.
Sadly, he passed away at the age of 55 years old.
What if, he never made the decision to do what he was meant to do?
In the last years alone, how many great names have passed?
What if Avicii, Kate Spade, Robin Williams, Prince said it was not the right time to pursue their greatness?
What if tomorrow never comes?
Do you want a specialist who is not just trained in practical emotional and mind mastery, but also someone who has been through the journey personally, who understands your fears and had successfully helped countless individuals and most importantly, who can connect with you at a deeper level and pull you out of the darkness that you are trapped in? If you’ve said yes, then you and I can be the right fit for a coaching relationship. If not, I’m sure you will be able to find a different coach that fit your needs.
Have you ever felt like you know what’s the right thing to do, what you must do and should do, but you are not doing it? Because your ego, or your emotions is blocking you? And no matter how many logical questions your coach ask you, you just refuse to make a move?
I am not an ICF coach because I’m an NLP Coach with the American Board of NLP (ABNLP), which is the world’s largest authority in NLP with its own training standards and regulations. I’m equipped with practical techniques and strategies to get you out of your emotional blockages so you can do the right thing that your rational thought has been telling you. So your logical mind and heart can be aligned.
I am also a Strategic Interventionist trained under the official life coach training of Tony Robbins. Strategic Intervention (SI) is an interdisciplinary framework and movement, extracted from the most practical and highly effective forms of strategic action and communication from a variety of disciplines: Ericksonian therapy, strategic family therapy, Human Needs Psychology, organisational psychology, neurolinguistics, psychology of influence and others. SI is a method of practical strategic action to create a positive and lasting change.
So if you want not just a coach who can ask the right questions but also a specialist equipped with practical tools and techniques to get you out of your own way, you are at the right place.
I must admit, I prefer to do things that are practical, convenient, that can be done in a shortest time and give maximum return. Are you like me?
That’s why I prefer to be a practical ‘psychologist’ that gives people their mind and emotional independence in 3-6 months, rather than a 5-10 years dependency on their counsellors.
For more information of my coaching approaches and methodologies, click HERE
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