Disagreements? Conflicts? Misunderstandings at work or home? It’s all got to do with this one thing – the meaning. So if you’d like to learn how to minimise disagreements, conflicts or misunderstandings in your personal or professional life, read on. It
We all know that feeling of happiness and contentment that comes from being grateful. Whether it’s for a new job, a raise, a healthy baby, or simply a good cup of coffee in the morning, taking a moment to appreciate
I remember being so clueless during my younger days.I was always wondering…what was my potential? What were my strengths?I had no idea what I wanted or what made me feel alive. Worse still, I didn’t know how to find out
I cried so much. As the kids stand up one by one, sharing their experience of the last 5 days mindset bootcamp, giving their gratitude to their parents, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. I noticed tears start
Year End Reflection It’s hard to believe that we’re already nearing the end of 2020 isn’t it? It’s been a tough year for everyone, in so many ways. But, what if we looked at 2020 differently? What if we chose
Why it’s important to practise gratitude? Gratitude – It is so simple, yet its value is undermined. I caught myself in distress, dissatisfaction and worry when I focused on what was lacking? What’s not good enough? What was wrong? When
Are you facing a life transition? Are you going through a setback and you wonder what’s the meaning of your life? Are you wondering, if you can ever be happy again? If you are facing a life transition, read on.
Are you trying too hard to impress people at first sight? Has there been a time when you are in a group setting and you met someone who just keeps talking and dominating the conversation? How does that make you
How can you be truly happy? Mom always told me, “don’t smile so big, your teeth look so big, so unsightly” 😅😅😅 This photo caught my attention, not because I get compliments for it. It’s also not my best shot
Is it the toxic relationship that keeps you small and unhappy? Is it the mundane job that keeps you unappreciated and unfulfilled? And what about the clutter in your mind and your physical environment? Or the regrets and the pain
How do you end the year confidently? So December is here, again. As the year is drawing to an end, you could be thinking another year is passing soon and you have many goals not accomplished. And the more you
I’d like to pick a ‘taboo’ topic today. Divorced Vs Self Worth. Setback Vs Growth. Question: 1. When you encounter a setback in life, how does that affect your self worth? 2. Do you allow the setback to DEPRECIATE your
I don’t like change! Do you like change? Change aren’t comfortable at at all. Before change happens, you see so much uncertainty in front of you. And for most people, their mind is clouded with fears of what if I
3rd Feb 2018, I declared that I want to share my story to the world, so that no one will be kept small and invisible, so that no child will be broken, so that no one will have to pay
BURNED OUT? Have you ever feel like you have a ‘flat battery’ after a ‘big race’? Everyday is like a big race isn’t it? You race through life, you give all of your energy, your brain juice, committing to your
Intention This story, is not about finger pointing of who’s at fault, it’s not about blaming or criticising my past. It’s just me being in my vulnerability, in my loving state, taking 100% responsibility that led me to my
Today’s theme: To Aries: Choose One word that describes your mom, create the painting and give it to your mom. To Mom: Choose One word that describes Aries, create the painting and give it to your son. I’m surprised and
“Emotion does not happen to you. Emotion is an act of doing.” I had so much fun asking my little boy Aries to show me the ‘strategies’ he use to feel excited, happy, sad by pretending. And he did so
For those who still wonder…why coach? This is the little things that fills up my cup… When rejections turn into acceptance, When numbness turn into love… When anger, guilt, sadness dissipates and Self love, passion and power emerge.. This is